Jordi AC: White, light & shadow
Jordi AC: Architecture, sky, light and shadow
Jordi AC: Lines & shadows
Jordi AC: Texture, light & shadow
Jordi AC: Bon dia dels Reis / Feliz dia de los Reyes
Jordi AC: The magic night
Jordi AC: By the night
Jordi AC: Blues, lines and shadows, three
Jordi AC: Blues, lines and shadows, two
Jordi AC: Blues, lines & shadows, one
Jordi AC: "The"poppy..../ "La" amapola...
Jordi AC: Poppies and shadow....have a great Sunday
Jordi AC: ....a fast version of an evening Veneto...
Jordi AC: ...the way -most likely-, is very clear....
Jordi AC: ...ready to talk to the night...
Jordi AC: ...walking up the light....
Jordi AC: ...and the light comes between the blue columns...
Jordi AC: ...spring is on the street....
Jordi AC: ...let the light come in...
Jordi AC: ...the light has its own ways....
Jordi AC: ...go up, up the blue...
Jordi AC: ...shadows, lines & spring blues...
Jordi AC: ...some landscapes make me feel at home....