Jordi AC: Windsurfing to Barcelona...
Jordi AC: Will you open your window?
Jordi AC: At night by the road
Jordi AC: Windy sunset in the harbour of Premiá
Jordi AC: Lying on the beach...for how long?...
Jordi AC: Summer moon-light-bath...
Jordi AC: Full moon light at El Maresme (19/07/2008)
Jordi AC: Ready to go fishing....again!
Jordi AC: of those long....very long Dutch evenings.....
Jordi AC: ...walking the dog at the fishing harbor...
Jordi AC: ...a quiet Saturday evening for the trio....
Jordi AC: ....just a matter of minutes...from blues to daylight...
Jordi AC: is almost there....
Jordi AC: ...reddish sunsets.... often bring winds.....
Jordi AC: ,,,the morning make up of the palm trees...
Jordi AC: of those memories...with a wish for a Happy Easter!!....
Jordi AC: ....when the harbour goes to sleep....
Jordi AC: ...why an evening walk at the harbor...?
Jordi AC: ...through the "relaxed" stress of a regatta...