Jordi AC: Sunrise at Collcerola
Jordi AC: Morning way to the castle
Jordi AC: Industrial sunrise 2... (Cerdanyola del Vellés)
Jordi AC: Industrial sunrise 1....(Cerdanyola del Vallés)
Jordi AC: ...bye, bye sunshine....
Jordi AC: The sun is hiding...too early...
Jordi AC: ....a gentle walk through a frozen morning.....
Jordi AC: ...the tree....the very lonely tree....
Jordi AC: ...the mornings lights are pushing Sunday ahead...still time for laziness....
Jordi AC: ....a morning walk through the red frost.....
Jordi AC: is about presence.....
Jordi AC: ...about the language of iron....
Jordi AC: unexpected urban corner...
Jordi AC: ...the ways iron has....
Jordi AC: ...the iron connection....
Jordi AC: ....a fast version of an evening Veneto...
Jordi AC: ...spring is available on the street...
Jordi AC: ...a look to the street flower shop...
Jordi AC: ...a summer sunset by the lighthouse...
Jordi AC: of those surprises...while walking the streets..
Jordi AC: ....the blues on the the street....
Jordi AC: ....the week-end of Monsieur Chaplin...
Jordi AC: ...have you ever thought about getting in love with Granollers...?
Jordi AC: ...the news are ready....
Jordi AC: ...details and yelow...
Jordi AC: ...may happen La Albufera...