e301: Rehearsals, Exeter
e301: Peter, Guy, Mark, Will, rehearsals exeter
e301: Hugh on the way to Beautiful Days
e301: Hugh setting up, Beautiful Days
e301: Hotel, Helsinki
e301: Will, pre-sound check, Helsinki
e301: Setlist conference, helsinki
e301: Soundcheck, Helsinki
e301: Stage, Helsinki
e301: Soundcheck, Helsinki 2
e301: Rehearsal, Helsinki
e301: Pre-show, Helsinki - Carl tuning
e301: Pre-show, Stockholm
e301: Guy and Carl, Stockholm
e301: Somewhere between Stockholm and Gothenburg
e301: Backstage, Gothenburg
e301: Pre-show, Gothenburg
e301: Peter, Hugh, Guy, Gothenburg
e301: Mug of tea, Will, Oslo
e301: Peter and Will, Oslo
e301: End of show, Oslo
e301: Peter, Still Life oslo