e³°°°: Saint-Petrus-and-Pauluschurch, Mechelen
e³°°°: De Zeeridder
e³°°°: Golden cock
e³°°°: Sint-Pieter-en-Pauluskerk
e³°°°: House in rococo, Mechelen
e³°°°: gargoyle watchman
e³°°°: Sint-Pieter-en-Pauluskerk
e³°°°: gargouille / gargoyle
e³°°°: Saint-Romboutscathedral, Mechelen
e³°°°: somebody's watching you at nr 4, beguinage Mechelen
e³°°°: catholic contrareformatic skyscraping propagandistic facade
e³°°°: Mechelen
e³°°°: gargoyles/gargouilles/waterspuwers Mechelen
e³°°°: de profundis / the depths of sorrow
e³°°°: gargoyle / gargouille / waterspuwer
e³°°°: sign! i'm interested in your soul
e³°°°: Triumph of baroque
e³°°°: Sint-Romboutskathedraal, Mechelen
e³°°°: gargoyles on the cathedral of Saint-Rumoldus Mechelen
e³°°°: Sint-Romboutskathedraal, Mechelen
e³°°°: Christ on the cross, Sint-Romboutskathedraal Mechelen
e³°°°: murder in the cathedral
e³°°°: the chisel, the pair of compasses & the brush / de beitel, de passer en het penseel
e³°°°: Lakenhalle Mechelen
e³°°°: Ceci n'est pas une poubelle
e³°°°: God, chasing away Adam & Eve out of Paradise
e³°°°: Old houses (16th C) in Mechelen, Flanders
e³°°°: Mechelen, Grote Markt met Margaretha van Oostenrijk
e³°°°: Sarah Solarisé
e³°°°: medi-evil violence House "The Devils" in Mechelen