orimo: vito's new year
orimo: vito's new year
orimo: vito's new year
orimo: vito's new year
orimo: vito's new year
orimo: brand new iPod shuffle
orimo: princess vito
orimo: princess vito
orimo: i want have "Spring nails"!!!
orimo: bad-temper princess
orimo: in her cage. no, her castle.
orimo: in her cage. no, her castle.
orimo: hello!
orimo: yum
orimo: how to describe about this in Japanese
orimo: how to describe about this in Japanese
orimo: she asks you,
orimo: may your dreams be sweet!
orimo: may your dreams be sweet!
orimo: i'm eating.
orimo: tickle me!
orimo: cautiously
orimo: cautiously
orimo: cautiously
orimo: gimme a cookie!!!
orimo: princess vito
orimo: eating
orimo: eating
orimo: finally!
orimo: she's waiting for me to care her