bigbrowneyez: Sit, Relax
bigbrowneyez: Happy Birthday Dad/Papa
:SARA_be:: πŸ’¦β›„πŸ˜Š Bizarr vom Wind geformt β›…β›„πŸ’¦
Karabelso: Frostige Waldrebe - Frosty Clematis.
roba66: Griechenland, Greece - Insel Rhodos, Filerimos, Pfau, 23299
Pete Vielhaber: Summer Splendor
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 4 18M views): Roses (David Austin)
witajny: New Year's Seaport
Chandana Witharanage: Moonstone, guard stones in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Brian @ BSE (UK) (No images or Invites, please): A splash of Summer colours at Wimpole Hall & Gardens, a National Trust estate, near Arrington, in Cambridgeshire, England
Mia Pedaltoes: Better Late than Never :-)
lumog37: Sala de Juntas de Sajonia, en Dresde.
coulportste: North Shore
ingrid eulenfan: Ein Gürkchen bitte
Mariandl48 ( 10.500.000 views): Es schneit, es schneit
ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful.: The Descent: Where Gravity is My Worst Enemy.
Richard Collier - Wildlife and Travel Photography: Goldcrest - Regulus regulus 070125 (6) F
werner boehm *: high noon sun star
Marin Staniőić Photography: Old bridge over teh river Dobra after the high level of water...
Joanbrebo: Vacances 24 00028.
Manolo - Papá Pitufo: Plumeria alba
Jörg Kage: Regen im Anmarsch / Rain on the way
Earth Heritage Designs: "April Fools Day snow" #1 (2024)
mamietherese1: Une touche de vert
Körnchen59: Window HWW
kalakeli: Eurasian blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)
rafaela.linn: Verwirrungen
Helmut Reichelt: Verschneiter Wald
thanks 4 comments and faves.: Cruising by Caloundra.Explored