leaving-the-moon: Man at work
leaving-the-moon: Agrarculture - Landwirtschaft
leaving-the-moon: Inle Lake
leaving-the-moon: the proud owner
leaving-the-moon: reading newspaper
leaving-the-moon: how to transport things... - oder Brett vorm Kopf
leaving-the-moon: birmese way of transportation
leaving-the-moon: father with little child
leaving-the-moon: Waiting for Customers
leaving-the-moon: eight feet taxi
leaving-the-moon: Donation??
leaving-the-moon: urban hero
leaving-the-moon: mopping oder "under his feet"
leaving-the-moon: inside outside reflections
leaving-the-moon: Himmelsfrosch
leaving-the-moon: Sprossenläufer
leaving-the-moon: Mann auf dem Dach
leaving-the-moon: Steinbruch früher
leaving-the-moon: Steinbruchmuseum