dzroth: MIlweed Beetle, South Okanagan Valley, BC Canada
dzroth: Again...more red beetle
dzroth: unknown red beetle, Osooyos, Okanagan valley, Canada
dzroth: when bugs attack
dzroth: I don't know what type of insect this is....
dzroth: Ladybug
dzroth: Ladybug tightrope
dzroth: pollen transport....ant
dzroth: ant
dzroth: beetle in shade
dzroth: 20080510 169 IMG_2418
dzroth: more moss
dzroth: 20080511 170 IMG_2511
dzroth: moss macro
dzroth: sporophye (pt 1)
dzroth: skipper
dzroth: Evil Eye
dzroth: flower claw
dzroth: ladybug buffet
dzroth: attack
dzroth: Apollo larva feeding on stonecrop
dzroth: ant in tunnel of leaves (Bond-style)
dzroth: butterfly on flower
dzroth: cup fungus
dzroth: wasp ass!
dzroth: wasp macro
dzroth: beatle
dzroth: sporophyte