dyyanae: Introducing......Dewey!
dyyanae: Few things so sweet...
dyyanae: Sweet kitten dreams
dyyanae: Wavy tail!
dyyanae: A sweet little face
dyyanae: Think he's 'comfy' yet?
dyyanae: Is it Something in the Air?
dyyanae: Let goofy kittens lie (#3 'full center split')
dyyanae: Let goofy kittens lie (#1 the 'tummy tuck')
dyyanae: Let goofy kittens lie (#2 'how many feet can one cat have?')
dyyanae: Awwww! :-)
dyyanae: Paw holding sweetness
dyyanae: Dewey and Friend
dyyanae: Long Drink of Water
dyyanae: Kitten's Greetings 2007!
dyyanae: Here he is to save the day!
dyyanae: Cookies? No, we didn't seen any cookies!
dyyanae: Little Big Bro...Big Little Bro?
dyyanae: The Happy Christmas Cat
dyyanae: Dewey Dancer
dyyanae: Snuggle Stretchees
dyyanae: Dewey the feline corkscrew
dyyanae: Catnapping
dyyanae: reaching for the world
dyyanae: boys will be boys
dyyanae: Birthday Dewey!
dyyanae: Oh! Pardon me! (hic)
dyyanae: yeah, it's hot...
dyyanae: Triple threat!
dyyanae: My poor babies!