Kristina :): Stacia's
Kristina :): More comfy customers
Kristina :): Stacia's
Kristina :): We're at work!
Kristina :): Stacia's customer getting cozy
Kristina :): Calf henna
Kristina :): Stacia's
Kristina :): Stacia's
Kristina :): Me and my neighbor, Lily :)
Kristina :): Booth neigbhor's henna
Kristina :): Mine, traded with booth neighbor
Kristina :): Stacia's
Kristina :): Mine on Jolene
Kristina :): Mine on Christina
Kristina :): Doodling on Stacia
Kristina :): IMG_3300
Kristina :): Stacia's
Kristina :): Henna for Beth