The Dilly Lama: DSC_1293
The Dilly Lama: DSC_1248
The Dilly Lama: DSC_1243
The Dilly Lama: DSC_1245
The Dilly Lama: DSC_1247
The Dilly Lama: DSC_1256
The Dilly Lama: DSC_1265
The Dilly Lama: DSC_1266
The Dilly Lama: DSC_1274
The Dilly Lama: DSC_1277
The Dilly Lama: DSC_1280
The Dilly Lama: DSC_1289
The Dilly Lama: DSC_1271
The Dilly Lama: DSC_1294
The Dilly Lama: Dyl & Jamie paddling on the river
The Dilly Lama: Dyl's impression of Mathew McConaughey in Karate Kid
The Dilly Lama: Campsite on Catfish Lake
The Dilly Lama: A flower
The Dilly Lama: Catfish Lake
The Dilly Lama: Catfish Lake
The Dilly Lama: 1st Moose on the Petawawa
The Dilly Lama: 2nd Moose on the Petawawa
The Dilly Lama: 2nd Moose on the Petawawa
The Dilly Lama: Brad jumps off Anchor Island on Burntroot Lake
The Dilly Lama: Jamie jumps off Anchor Island, Burntroot Lake
The Dilly Lama: Dyl jumps off Anchor Island, Burntroot Lake
The Dilly Lama: Brad at night
The Dilly Lama: Nighttime on Burntroot Lake
The Dilly Lama: Brad really really ridiculously excited to portaging up the Petawawa RIver
The Dilly Lama: Portaging on the Petawawa