Dylan W.: Welcome to Safeco
Dylan W.: Dark under the carport
Dylan W.: Down the foul pole
Dylan W.: Just what you expect at a ballgame
Dylan W.: A little cut up
Dylan W.: Let's open that carport
Dylan W.: Roll away the, um, roof.
Dylan W.: Here are the balls.
Dylan W.: What we've all come to see
Dylan W.: Raffy: Try 2 for 3000
Dylan W.: Seagull
Dylan W.: Hold still! This camera phone is fixed focus!
Dylan W.: Safeco light
Dylan W.: Safeco + Seattle
Dylan W.: 3000!
Dylan W.: 3000 (Enlarged to show texture)
Dylan W.: Yes, it is 3000.
Dylan W.: 3000, not bad.
Dylan W.: Let's all run out and mob him!
Dylan W.: Wait! Pitchers need love too!
Dylan W.: Two groups, one diamond
Dylan W.: Group hug over
Dylan W.: Clouds + Safeco roof
Dylan W.: Sunset 2