gussifer | I want @young_fathers to come back to @theindependentsf again and make me forget the past 15 months. Please?
gussifer | Exquisit. @perfumegenius was hauntingly beautiful at @sterngrovefestival yesterday. Shoutout to @drigboy for his compassion in lending me his #d4 fir @madamegandhi inspiring set.
Ron-Berlin: Malcolm-©Ron-Berlin-09.10.18_078
harumichi otani: Sibuya Street
astra pentaxia: Last Known Harmon Photo
gussifer | Shopping. @santigold at @sfmasonic
kjallen: DSC03637
Terry Barentsen: 42nd Street
jamie florance: back2oregon
jamie florance: poo chix
dad//cam: 03290g001
dad//cam: 032900g22
Ulysses_O: The Rear View Tells Tall Tales