Daniel Poon 2012:
Lovely scene in Bucharest, Romania (布加勒斯特-羅馬尼亞)
Daniel Poon 2012:
Arcul de Triumf - Bucharest (Romania 羅馬尼亞), BALKANS
Daniel Poon 2012:
Central University Library, Bucharest with Carol's statute - (Romania
Daniel Poon 2012:
Caru' cu Bere -Bucharest (Romania)
Daniel Poon 2012:
Lipscani - Bucharest (Romania)
Daniel Poon 2012:
The old Town - Bucharest (Romania)
Daniel Poon 2012:
Peles Castle - Bucharest (Romania)
Daniel Poon 2012:
Peleș Castle - Bucharest (Romania), 布加勒斯特-羅馬尼
Daniel Poon 2012:
Peleș Castle - Bucharest (Romania)
Daniel Poon 2012:
Dinning Room - Peleș Castle - Bucharest (Romania)
Daniel Poon 2012:
A washed out statute at Bucharest (Romania)
Daniel Poon 2012:
Weapons Room - PeleÈ Castle - Bucharest (Romania)
Daniel Poon 2012:
Bran Castle (布兰城堡), Bucharest (Romania)
Daniel Poon 2012:
Weapons Rooms - Peleș Castle - Bucharest (Romania)
Daniel Poon 2012:
Romanian Dancer - Bucharest (Romania)
Daniel Poon 2012:
Countryside - Bucharest (Romania), 布加勒斯特-羅馬尼亞