dybvad2009: three scarves
dybvad2009: purple and green version
dybvad2009: purple cashmere/wool and tencel
dybvad2009: IMG_3420
dybvad2009: turquoise cashmere/wool and tencel
dybvad2009: close-up of the turquoise scarf
dybvad2009: last version on the loom
dybvad2009: silk scarf
dybvad2009: finished silk 12/2 scarf
dybvad2009: detail of the yellow accent colour
dybvad2009: IMG_3428
dybvad2009: Integrated Cell Weave scarf
dybvad2009: Detail
dybvad2009: Cashmere scarf
dybvad2009: detail from cashmere scarf
dybvad2009: close-up
dybvad2009: selvedge in basket weave
dybvad2009: cashmere tartan
dybvad2009: scarf, cashmere
dybvad2009: two silk scarves
dybvad2009: IMG_2785
dybvad2009: close-up
dybvad2009: another detail
dybvad2009: one with finer weft and closer sett
dybvad2009: one with same weft as warp and more open sett
dybvad2009: IMG_2779
dybvad2009: IMG_2778
dybvad2009: a golden weft section
dybvad2009: IMG_2776
dybvad2009: every other grey, every other golden