dxsibo o(╥_╥)o: Dripping on a lime...
dxsibo o(╥_╥)o: Dunken....
dxsibo o(╥_╥)o: Floating lime...
dxsibo o(╥_╥)o: Sembawang Sunrise, Singapore
dxsibo o(╥_╥)o: Raindrops on the Lotus Leaf, Singapore
dxsibo o(╥_╥)o: Raindrops on the Lotus Leaf, Singapore
dxsibo o(╥_╥)o: Sungai Road Bugis, SIngapore
dxsibo o(╥_╥)o: Sungai Road Bugis, SIngapore
dxsibo o(╥_╥)o: Sungai Road Bugis, SIngapore
dxsibo o(╥_╥)o: Sungai Road Bugis, SIngapore