Daralee's Web World photos: Cat sitting on the fence
Daralee's Web World photos: Peregrine falcon perched atop telephone pole
Daralee's Web World photos: Two hummingbirds and two persimmons
Daralee's Web World photos: Hummingbirds and persimmons
Daralee's Web World photos: Opossum on block wall
Daralee's Web World photos: Accipiter on telephone wire
Daralee's Web World photos: Cross Orbweaver spider spinning at twilight
Daralee's Web World photos: Cross Orbweaver spider spinning web
Daralee's Web World photos: LB approaching me after rolling in the dirt
Daralee's Web World photos: Cat wriggling and rolling in the dirt
Daralee's Web World photos: Cat stepping out after rolling in the dirt
Daralee's Web World photos: Cat chasing me after rolling in the dirt
Daralee's Web World photos: Wriggling in the dirt
Daralee's Web World photos: The little, silver tiger stops, looks, and listens
Daralee's Web World photos: L.B. checking out the persimmon tree
Daralee's Web World photos: Neighbor's cat in persimmon tree
Daralee's Web World photos: L.B. in the persimmon tree
Daralee's Web World photos: LB resting beneath the sago leaves
Daralee's Web World photos: Squirrel eating Fuyu persimmon
Daralee's Web World photos: Squirrel and Fuyu persimmon
Daralee's Web World photos: Monarch Butterfly
Daralee's Web World photos: Jane (with flash)
Daralee's Web World photos: Jane (without flash)
Daralee's Web World photos: Fox squirrel in persimmon tree - Autumn 2014
Daralee's Web World photos: Hummingbird and aloe vera