dwtno: Rachel & Nancy Marie Setting up for NMC Conference
dwtno: Lisa Setting up for NMC Conference
dwtno: NMC bags ready to go
dwtno: Marie Setting up for NMC Conference
dwtno: Rachel and the Tulane sidewalk
dwtno: Rachel and the Tulane sidewalk
dwtno: Rachel and the Tulane sidewalk
dwtno: Rachel and the Tulane sidewalk
dwtno: Rachel and the Tulane sidewalk
dwtno: Rachel was here!
dwtno: Rachel and the Tulane sidewalk
dwtno: Don & Nancy Setting up for NMC
dwtno: Don Setting up for NMC
dwtno: Marie Setting up for NMC
dwtno: Carrie at the NMC Tech Desk
dwtno: Setting up for NMC
dwtno: Setting up for NMC
dwtno: NMC Registration Desk
dwtno: NMC conference arrivals
dwtno: NMC conference arrivals
dwtno: Sheldon mans the board
dwtno: Nick & Larry
dwtno: Marie & Valarie's Presentation
dwtno: Marie & Valarie's Presentation
dwtno: Ruben's Presentation
dwtno: Ruben's Presentation
dwtno: Ruben's Presentation
dwtno: IMG_5377
dwtno: IMG_5378
dwtno: IMG_5379