Dean Ruben.:
Touille and Luna Bear being adorable.
Dean Ruben.:
Rat Butts
Dean Ruben.:
Christmas with the Girls
Dean Ruben.:
Touille Tail
Dean Ruben.:
Big yawn!
Dean Ruben.:
Big yawn!
Dean Ruben.:
The girls were feeling photogenic this morning.
Dean Ruben.:
Standing atop Rat Manor.
Dean Ruben.:
Touille creeping.
Dean Ruben.:
Snuggled up in their new bed.
Dean Ruben.:
Dean Ruben.:
What's under here?
Dean Ruben.:
Mmm, low sodium veggie chips.
Dean Ruben.:
Gotta clean those ears!
Dean Ruben.:
Touille creeping onto the floor.
Dean Ruben.:
Touille sitting on her poor sister.
Dean Ruben.:
Rat smile!
Dean Ruben.:
Touille is an aspiring photographer.
Dean Ruben.:
There's nothing better than a rat yawn.
Dean Ruben.:
Christmas Curly Whiskers
Dean Ruben.:
Touille nose.
Dean Ruben.:
Dean Ruben.:
Mmm, dinner roll.
Dean Ruben.:
You have something on your nose...
Dean Ruben.:
Luna Bear LOVES birthday cake.
Dean Ruben.:
Touille creepin' behind the cake.
Dean Ruben.:
Hiding in her rat cave.
Dean Ruben.:
What a happy rat.
Dean Ruben.:
Dean Ruben.:
Rat love.