Wildonline.blog: European Robin
Julian Munilla Rio: Mariposa IMG_1149
janter2: Old Sion
John Hallam Images: Red-legged Honeycreeper
Mr. Happy Face - Peace :): Pot of Tea Anyone ?
John Hallam Images: King Vulture Landing Among Other Vultures
Gi.Sartori: Fiori Della Baldona
Photo Alan: Memorial Court Stanford University
dimaruss34: Japanese Garden
dimaruss34: Japanese Hill and Pond Garden
dimaruss34: New York Sunset
íṛíṡíṡôṗĕñ āñd 看: SCHWING-#-IMAG0096-#-Canon-FTql-ORWO-Negativfilm---70er
bratispixl: Q8286312 Sunrise
janter2: Old railway sleeper
klaus.huppertz: on the tree
Le P'tit Eric!!!!!: Sunset art.....
Jürgen... / OFF....: Good Morning
wjm photography: Schmetterling_IMG_3361
Gilles Poyet Photographies !: VICHY AU TEMPS DU SECOND EMPIRE !
Jim Cowie: Sugar Works Tabby Ruin (see link below)
Pejasar: Rock and cloud formations at Mary’s Lake
Ozzy Delaney: Taking the kids to school.
ulovebob: Stars.
Wildonline.blog: Grey Squirrel
Wildonline.blog: Blackbird
broombesoom: Rouge sans moulin
Oliver Schoepgens: St. Elizabeth's Church
Francisco Curbelo Rodríguez: Amanecer. Roque de los Muchachos. La Palma. Canarias (29-5-24)