World Unity 9:
Diana fritillary butterfly male in SE Kentucky
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Banded hairstreaks: butterflies at Red River Gorge, KY
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Great spangled fritillary butterfly
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Luna moth in the morning light
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Swallowtail butterfly laying an egg
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Swallowtail butterfly taken at Daniel Boone State Park, KY.
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Butterflies On Beaches
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promethia study
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Monarch butterfly female in Bemidji, MN.
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Luna Moth
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A Tiny Bit Of Beauty
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pipevine swallowtail pair
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Black swallowtails in a group
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Cecropia moth, saturniidae, The Largest North American Moth.
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Cecropia moth, saturniidae, on Cocoon,
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Lepidoptera Digicollector In Action
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Monarch Butterfly Egg: Danaus plexippus
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Caterpillar Within An Egg
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Flying Off after egg laying.
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Polyphemus moth egg laying
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Polyphemus moth Egg laying
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Polyphemus Moth Female
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Polyphemus moth eggs
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Caterpillar hatchling
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Caterpillar of a polyphemus moth
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First meal
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Larvae silk trail
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Polyphemus moth flying off
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Cecropia moth pair
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Black swallowtail just emerged