schauml: Flying about in my space vehicle.. you know, as one does these days.
schauml: Oozing into sleep
schauml: Domestic Archeology
schauml: The passage of time can be bittersweet. (1997, 2015, 2022)
schauml: Bright Common Nails Box
schauml: Hydraulic Crane
schauml: Portrait as a llama 07/366
schauml: Towel Rose
schauml: Oops..
schauml: I asked my son to volunteer as a coat model. He gave me his coat.
schauml: Sideways..
schauml: Sniffing along the neighbor’s hedgerow to check out the calling cards the other neighborhood dogs left. We’re here on my usual solitary walk with my 16 year old dog.
schauml: Eggstream
schauml: Factory
schauml: During a cold, breezy evening walk with my 16 year old dog, I spotted a dragon. It thinks it’s a dragon anyway.
schauml: ‘shine
schauml: Walking around with an object on my head.
schauml: Megalodon Shark Tooth
schauml: Meanwhile over yonder hill, the neighboring cattle herd just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
schauml: Tree
schauml: Pretending to wash the window of the French doors..
schauml: Well, I could have said that the dog at it.
schauml: broken window
schauml: The man in the moon. It looks a bit different tonight.
schauml: loo entrance
schauml: Stickers
schauml: Window Reflection
schauml: It’s not the moodiest of images, but a clear day and blooming Camellias bring joy on this 1st day of February.
schauml: A candle for the groundhog.