schauml: Contemplating holiday cheer ..
schauml: The wild and woolly life ..
schauml: In the dark..
schauml: Breakfast for Falstaff
schauml: Walking the Dweezil..
schauml: Cold enough
schauml: Surely..
schauml: Detail of a steel rod sculpture
schauml: When light gives way to dark..
schauml: Having fun
schauml: Being stuck behind a mask all day at work ..
schauml: I plead the 5th..
schauml: Pencil holder
schauml: Contemplating an overripe pear
schauml: Dweezil and his swinging leash.
schauml: Minimal
schauml: Lesson planning:
schauml: One pepper, countless oak leaves.
schauml: Reaching out..
schauml: Me ..
schauml: Me..
schauml: Me ..
schauml: Day Light Savings Time Peeve..
schauml: Freedom to create..
schauml: Balance with hex nuts
schauml: Balancing nuts ..
schauml: My son with Dweezil, the dog.
schauml: Railroad Crossing