sf-dvs: The rocky barren we plan to hike
sf-dvs: The rocky non-barren across Highway 310
sf-dvs: The rocky non-barren across Highway 310
sf-dvs: The rocky barren from Mill Cove Lookout trail
sf-dvs: The rocky barren from Mill Cove Lookout trail
sf-dvs: Approaching the rocky barren summit
sf-dvs: Stairway to heaven? Yes! The Mill Cove Lookout!
sf-dvs: Trading trail recon
sf-dvs: Cliffs across Northeast Arm
sf-dvs: Northeast Arm
sf-dvs: Mill Cove
sf-dvs: Natural landscapping
sf-dvs: Natural landscapping
sf-dvs: Natural landscapping
sf-dvs: Caribou moss
sf-dvs: Rock art
sf-dvs: Indian pipe (really)