sf-dvs: A trail heading up from Hatcher Pass - let's see where it goes!
sf-dvs: Summit Lake
sf-dvs: Ferns along the way
sf-dvs: First tarn
sf-dvs: Doug reaches the base of April Bowl
sf-dvs: Three tarns
sf-dvs: Look, more trail!
sf-dvs: The trail to Hatcher Peak
sf-dvs: Other hikers along the edge of the bowl
sf-dvs: Doug along the side of the bowl
sf-dvs: Looking back at 3 tarns, Marmot Peak
sf-dvs: Looking back at Summit Lake, Bullion Mountain
sf-dvs: Looking back at 4 tarns
sf-dvs: The view on the other side of Hatcher Peak! Bald Mountain Ridge...
sf-dvs: Section of Bald Mountain Ridge detail
sf-dvs: Looking back at the ridge
sf-dvs: Rocky edge of the trail
sf-dvs: The view on the other side - source of Willow Creek
sf-dvs: Sue along the top of the bowl
sf-dvs: Looking back at Bald Mountain Ridge
sf-dvs: Bald Mountain Ridge detail
sf-dvs: Bald Mountain Ridge detail
sf-dvs: Doug along the edge of the bowl
sf-dvs: IMG_4567
sf-dvs: Looking back at the Mat-Su Valley and Matanuska Glacier
sf-dvs: The 4 tarns and Marmot Mountain from the edge of April Bowl
sf-dvs: Government Peak, Matanuska Glacier in the distance
sf-dvs: Bald Mountain Ridge, Matanuska Glacier in the distance
sf-dvs: Looking east over Hatcher Pass Road, Fishhook Trailhead bottom center, Gold Mint Trailhead midde center
sf-dvs: Looking east over Hatcher Pass Road, Fishhook Trailhead bottom center, Gold Mint Trailhead midde center