sf-dvs: Welcome to the Dalton Highway
sf-dvs: Welcome to the Dalton Highway
sf-dvs: Only 415 miles...
sf-dvs: Only 3 stops...
sf-dvs: Early section of the Dalton
sf-dvs: Early section of the Dalton
sf-dvs: The Trans-Alaska Pipeline is nearly always in sight
sf-dvs: The Yukon River Bridge
sf-dvs: North of the Yukon River
sf-dvs: Pipeline views
sf-dvs: What's that?
sf-dvs: Finger Mountain, pointing to Fairbanks
sf-dvs: View with a view
sf-dvs: View on the edge
sf-dvs: Truck near Finger Mountain
sf-dvs: The pipeline crosses the road
sf-dvs: The view from near Finger Mountain
sf-dvs: Welcome to the Arctic Circle!
sf-dvs: Arctic Circle
sf-dvs: Sticker wall! What's missing?
sf-dvs: Fixed!
sf-dvs: Fixed!
sf-dvs: The grader, our best friend!
sf-dvs: Traffic after the construction stop
sf-dvs: Road construction
sf-dvs: Trucker up!
sf-dvs: Pretty lake! See the brown spots?
sf-dvs: Three moose!
sf-dvs: Mama and her baby out for a swim
sf-dvs: Back to shore