Dvortygirl: Smile!
Dvortygirl: Objet d'art
Dvortygirl: Gabe, the resident cat
Dvortygirl: Front porch
Dvortygirl: Bongos
Dvortygirl: Kitchen colors
Dvortygirl: Classic citrus press
Dvortygirl: Free box "shoppers"
Dvortygirl: Free box bumper sticker
Dvortygirl: Free box decor
Dvortygirl: Spirit shrine pose
Dvortygirl: Talking about trolls
Dvortygirl: Little hardware store
Dvortygirl: Cookies and wifi
Dvortygirl: A word from our sponsor
Dvortygirl: Ron, Lois, and Mel edit collaboratively
Dvortygirl: Lois and (the other) Mel
Dvortygirl: Table reservation at coastal cafe
Dvortygirl: Group photo with local color
Dvortygirl: Hanging out
Dvortygirl: Jack takes a spin
Dvortygirl: A swingin' party
Dvortygirl: Anna and Jack go wireless
Dvortygirl: Reclining
Dvortygirl: Krystle, Jeff, and Mel kick back, California beach house style
Dvortygirl: Confusionist and Confused Mom
Dvortygirl: Lojjik, Chris, Jeff, Jack, and Apples to Apples
Dvortygirl: Krystle checks out Fort Point
Dvortygirl: Front porch
Dvortygirl: Lotus shrine