dvanzuijlekom: Hark24: Dome build-up in the rain
dvanzuijlekom: Hark24 Opening Speech by Lurwah
dvanzuijlekom: Hark24 Opening Speech by Lurwah
dvanzuijlekom: Hark24: Opening the "Made in 'China'" box
dvanzuijlekom: Hark24: Handing out the official event badges
dvanzuijlekom: Hark24: Handing out the official event badges
dvanzuijlekom: Hark24: Handing out the official event badges
dvanzuijlekom: Chuckling at the Chinglish
dvanzuijlekom: Official Hark24 badge-kit (Arduino-compatible)
dvanzuijlekom: "Hack Open" by realitygaps
dvanzuijlekom: "Everyone is spying"
dvanzuijlekom: "That's not your daddy"
dvanzuijlekom: "Facebook and you"
dvanzuijlekom: Cryptoparty by Arjen Kamphuis
dvanzuijlekom: Cryptoparty by Arjen Kamphuis
dvanzuijlekom: "Operation Gladio" by Crypto Museum
dvanzuijlekom: "Operation Gladio" by Crypto Museum
dvanzuijlekom: "Operation Gladio" by Crypto Museum
dvanzuijlekom: FSS-7
dvanzuijlekom: Telefunken FS-5000 "Harpoon"
dvanzuijlekom: "Can you spot the crypto hardware in this picture?"
dvanzuijlekom: "No you can't have it, now return it to its nice owners"
dvanzuijlekom: Einde
dvanzuijlekom: Noms!
dvanzuijlekom: Noms!
dvanzuijlekom: "QtPass" by the_JinX
dvanzuijlekom: "QtPass" by the_JinX
dvanzuijlekom: "QtPass" by the_JinX
dvanzuijlekom: "!Arduino" (not an Arduino) by WitchDoc