Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Bubble coral shrimp [Vir philippinensis]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Soft coral crab [Hoplophrys oatesi]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Nudibranch tbd
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Sea clam pattern
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Decorator crab
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Doriprismatica atromarginatata
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Orangutan crab [Oncinopus sp. 1]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Spanish dancer egg ribbon
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Super close macro shot of a small crocodile fish's lips
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
The fish who's lips are featured in the previous shot
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Harlequin shrimp [Hymenocera picta] (1)
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Harlequin shrimp [Hymenocera picta] (2)
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Harlequin shrimp [Hymenocera picta] (3)
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Ardeadoris angustolutea
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Juvenile lion fish
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Decorator crab
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Decorator crab waving to the camera
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Juvenile spanish dancer
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Chromodoris magnifica
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Mongolian hat crab
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Bobtail squid on a nightdive
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Bobtail squid burying itself
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Urchin detail
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Chromodoris quadricolour
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Bubble coral shrimp [Vir philippinensis]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Sarasvati Anemone Shrimp [Ancylomenes sarasvati]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Goniobranchus geometricus
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Goniobranchus geometricus
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Nembrotha kubaryana