Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Scorpionfish profile
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Banded pipefish (kind?)
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Thorny seahorse
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Another thorny seahorse
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Friendly cuttlefish
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Peacock mantis shrimp
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Out for a stroll
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Blue ring octopus up close
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Flabellina rubrolineata
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Under the jetty (b&w)
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Giant frogfish
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
A school of orbital puffers
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Trying to blend in with the pufferfish: fail
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Profile: frogfish
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
A pair of bearded scorpionfish
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Fireworms - I hate those guys...
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Pipefish up close