Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Juvenile robust ghost pipefish
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Juvenile robust ghost pipefish
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Mushroom coral shrimp [Cuapetes kororensis]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Regal Dendronotus [Dendronotus regius]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Chrinoid shrimp [Laomenes amboinensis]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Tiger egg cowrie [Cuspivolva tigris]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Yellow pygmy seahorse [Hippocampus bargibanti]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: The back end of an algae shrimp [Phycocaris simulans]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Redline flambellina [Flambellina rubrolineata]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Orangutan crab [Oncinopus sp.1]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Unknown juvenile scorpionfish
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Painted frogfish [Antennarius pictus]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: A bunch of skeleton shrimp [Caprella spp.]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Harlequin shrimp [Hymenocera elegans]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Harlequin shrimp close up [Hymenocera elegans]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Silhouette of a robust ghost pipefish on a coral fan
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Zanzibar whip coral shrimp [Dasycaris zanzibarica]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Zanzibar whip coral shrimp [Dasycaris zanzibarica]
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Leopard moray eel at a cleaning station
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Spiny tiger shrimp [Phyllognathia ceratophthalmus]