Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
White-bearded scorpion fish
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Spotted boxfish
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Manta in black and white 1
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Manta in black and white 2
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Parrotfish on the reef
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Porcelain crab in anemone
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Undulated Chromodoris feeding on a sponge
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Orangutan crab in anemone
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Clown fish in anemone
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Brain coral relief
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Giant frogfish
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Kelly underwater
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
A view of the volcano from the coast of Amed before a dive
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Hairy squat lobster
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
A 'pyramid' at Amed
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Random fish on a pyramid
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Snapper profile
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Tiny crustacean on an expanded tube worm
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Scribbled filefish
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Two pygmy seahorses in a fan
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Leafy scorpion profile
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Friendly little turtle
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Nembrotha Kubryana
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Close up of Nembrotha Kubryana
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Kelly warming her bones on the beach in Amed
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Seastar and fan
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Pincushion macro close up
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Soft coral close-up
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Funky transparant coral macro
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave:
Hairy squat lobster