dVaffection: Swaying to the beat of the waves
dVaffection: Plucking frost
dVaffection: Crab breakfast
dVaffection: Smoking
dVaffection: Valerio
dVaffection: Stoned
dVaffection: Resting
dVaffection: Anticipating food
dVaffection: Om-nom-nom
dVaffection: Sweet dreams
dVaffection: Gadabout
dVaffection: Always on guard
dVaffection: European Starling
dVaffection: Chickadee
dVaffection: Chickadee
dVaffection: Chickadee
dVaffection: A little hunter
dVaffection: Broken
dVaffection: Prying
dVaffection: Chubby dandy
dVaffection: Feeding
dVaffection: Food inspection
dVaffection: Bathing
dVaffection: Thirst
dVaffection: Suspicious