Duy Le Photography: Crossing the street
Duy Le Photography: He said to me, "This is home."
Duy Le Photography: Look at those hands...
Duy Le Photography: Playing the harmonica
Duy Le Photography: Charles the street artist
Duy Le Photography: James doing the jump start on Liposuction 5.12a
Duy Le Photography: Biggest foothold ever to his left
Duy Le Photography: James on Liposuction 5.12a
Duy Le Photography: Getting ready for a big move
Duy Le Photography: Going for the clip
Duy Le Photography: Clip or Deck
Duy Le Photography: Shawn's game face
Duy Le Photography: Weldon's game face
Duy Le Photography: Travis, cutting feet
Duy Le Photography: Right around the corner
Duy Le Photography: Blake's game face