bugman11: FROM BELOW
bugman11: SO ALONE
bugman11: small and red
bugman11: looks like coral
bugman11: "Geastrum triplex"
bugman11: growing on wood
bugman11: mushroom
bugman11: mushroom-island
bugman11: pink mushrooms
bugman11: porseleinzwam
bugman11: one small mushroom
bugman11: heads up ( "Mycena pura " )
bugman11: vliegenzwam
bugman11: reaching out
bugman11: smelly mushroom
bugman11: blue mushrooms ( "Laccaria amethystina" )
bugman11: miniature world
bugman11: red and white
bugman11: all together now
bugman11: low sun , spiderweb and mushrooms
bugman11: pink hat
bugman11: mushroom
bugman11: between the grass
bugman11: popular mushroom
bugman11: hole in my hat - "Amanita rubescens"
bugman11: low view
bugman11: distant couple
bugman11: focused on the edge
bugman11: lost mushroom