dutchct: The big reveal!
dutchct: Will feed an army
dutchct: Juicy
dutchct: I think I see a duck
dutchct: Awestruck
dutchct: Juice makes gravy
dutchct: Master Chef
dutchct: Delightful
dutchct: Gravy and Stirfry
dutchct: Turtle neck
dutchct: Magesty
dutchct: Over yonder
dutchct: Facade revealed
dutchct: Cheers!
dutchct: Brad can't see shit
dutchct: zomgwtf
dutchct: Touching
dutchct: Joy
dutchct: Easily distracted
dutchct: Teehee
dutchct: Oh look, an eagle!
dutchct: Glorious
dutchct: Hurrrr
dutchct: It's just a blanket they had laying around
dutchct: Beauty
dutchct: Best day of their lives
dutchct: First cut
dutchct: "Some clear liquid came out"
dutchct: Cesarean
dutchct: Meaty delight