dutchcomfort: Partner, your ellips pillow cover is finished!
dutchcomfort: Xmas nesting bowls
dutchcomfort: Xmas nesting bowls
dutchcomfort: The Great Pillow Fight Chistmas swap
dutchcomfort: The Great Pillow Fight swap
dutchcomfort: finished wild wave pillow for The Great Pillow Fight swap
dutchcomfort: srappy swap fabrics for my secret partner
dutchcomfort: Scrappy Swap zippered pouch lining
dutchcomfort: Scrappy Swap zippered pouch side
dutchcomfort: Scrappy Swap zippered pouch side
dutchcomfort: Scrappy Swap zippered pouch back
dutchcomfort: Scrappy Swap zippered pouch front
dutchcomfort: key fob Mouthy Stitches swap #2
dutchcomfort: Mouthy Stitches bag lining
dutchcomfort: Mouthy Stitches bag front
dutchcomfort: Mouthy Stitches bag back
dutchcomfort: PTS#8 pillow cover #1
dutchcomfort: Potholder Pass 11 for my partner (back of potholders)
dutchcomfort: Potholder Pass 11 for my partner
dutchcomfort: pinwheel ornaments
dutchcomfort: Modern Christmas table-runner
dutchcomfort: second set of coasters
dutchcomfort: coasters for PP9
dutchcomfort: half square triangle pillow cover
dutchcomfort: half square triangle pillow cover
dutchcomfort: Christmas quilt/wallhanging
dutchcomfort: Christmas quilt/wallhanging and ornaments
dutchcomfort: a glimpse
dutchcomfort: Dutch quilt