Dustin Johnston: wii not-fit
Dustin Johnston: muscleman
Dustin Johnston: duck for dinner
Dustin Johnston: brooklyn
Dustin Johnston: waiting for the 4
Dustin Johnston: subway shadows
Dustin Johnston: 'cado before the rain
Dustin Johnston: nice glasses
Dustin Johnston: "i hope it rains"
Dustin Johnston: "i like it when it rains"
Dustin Johnston: "it's really starting to come down now"
Dustin Johnston: under the tree
Dustin Johnston: finally out of the rain
Dustin Johnston: what's that Andrea?
Dustin Johnston: laughing at sara
Dustin Johnston: let's do this:
Dustin Johnston: 20 years
Dustin Johnston: on the rocks
Dustin Johnston: yoga on the roof
Dustin Johnston: happy lyon
Dustin Johnston: very proper
Dustin Johnston: GRAND ST.
Dustin Johnston: cheese please
Dustin Johnston: bedford cheese shop
Dustin Johnston: um... i'm married
Dustin Johnston: knives in cheese