dustincecil: indentured city
dustincecil: we wish with unwise words
dustincecil: we wish with unwise words
dustincecil: bunty fist
dustincecil: pitched pup tents
dustincecil: revisionist history as sport
dustincecil: foggone phoebus apollo
dustincecil: haiku postcard
dustincecil: practicewards backing
dustincecil: cursive in reverse
dustincecil: chant of eos
dustincecil: snow to rise
dustincecil: in corners
dustincecil: haiku for eos.
dustincecil: washed upon the shore
dustincecil: moa 19
dustincecil: as if on cue
dustincecil: untouching eyes
dustincecil: in seams of ice
dustincecil: he Ar of ub_Acion
dustincecil: sent in all
dustincecil: ponded heron
dustincecil: the carrier of air
dustincecil: untouching eyes
dustincecil: untouching eyes
dustincecil: the mystery of twins
dustincecil: fog under blush
dustincecil: heat of blush
dustincecil: go below the willow arch