dustin.askins: Owen and Kelton
dustin.askins: Jeremy and Hale
dustin.askins: "Oooooh"
dustin.askins: Joe and Jason
dustin.askins: Kelton is a big fan of Mr. Joe.
dustin.askins: K in the box car
dustin.askins: Me and my boy
dustin.askins: On the run
dustin.askins: Hanna and K
dustin.askins: Owen in the engine
dustin.askins: Randy and Hale
dustin.askins: K in the engine
dustin.askins: Stoke the fire, Kelton!
dustin.askins: "Wooo wooo"
dustin.askins: Hanna @ lunch
dustin.askins: K loves him some BBQ
dustin.askins: ...and cake
dustin.askins: Kathleen
dustin.askins: Jason and Kelton
dustin.askins: Bench at Oddfellows
dustin.askins: Kathleen, balloon blockage
dustin.askins: Owen and Jason
dustin.askins: The boys at Oddfellows
dustin.askins: New Cayenne turbo spotted on the way home
dustin.askins: Tired as can be