Durundal: Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger
Durundal: David
Durundal: Premature Max Brooks-ulation
Durundal: Wonder Woman T-shirt
Durundal: Steampunk
Durundal: Hall of B-list actors
Durundal: Jason & Aimi
Durundal: The Flash fights the Stormtroopers
Durundal: So fast he becomes unstable at low speeds
Durundal: Reaction to the Flash
Durundal: Lunch
Durundal: Wide angle
Durundal: Sunshine
Durundal: Wonder Woman
Durundal: Jim & Delbert
Durundal: Smiling
Durundal: The Fellowship
Durundal: Posing
Durundal: Tom Servo!
Durundal: Princess Leia
Durundal: Toolsmith
Durundal: Face
Durundal: Rex's new hat
Durundal: Storm
Durundal: Obi-wan
Durundal: Fun with flash
Durundal: Jonathan Ross & his biggest fa-ahn!
Durundal: Smiles
Durundal: Smiles
Durundal: Who is this? edit: faith from mirror's edge