Durundal: A moment later...
Durundal: Or she just eats the shrimp.
Durundal: The hallmark of any good party
Durundal: Megan
Durundal: Cluster
Durundal: Brandi
Durundal: Caitlin
Durundal: Chris and Anna
Durundal: Mario continues
Durundal: Emily poses
Durundal: Happy Tracy
Durundal: I tickle tracy
Durundal: Gentleman Johnny
Durundal: Jessica looking emo
Durundal: CaitlinBrandy
Durundal: Steve and Andrew
Durundal: Caitlin laughs at something
Durundal: Anna
Durundal: Raz cooking the... stuff.
Durundal: Logan and Adam in repose
Durundal: Sucking in or something?
Durundal: Adam
Durundal: Sigh
Durundal: Touched by an... Logan?
Durundal: David is a good subject
Durundal: The floor is the hip place to be
Durundal: Who are you
Durundal: Rebecca loves the banana
Durundal: As does david...
Durundal: ... lustily...