Durrutib: Image00043
Durrutib: Landing
Durrutib: Brothers
Durrutib: Autumn
Durrutib: A mirror on the street
Durrutib: A mirror on the street 4
Durrutib: woooosh
Durrutib: hill
Durrutib: Anna vs The giants (modif)
Durrutib: modif
Durrutib: mmmm
Durrutib: violet
Durrutib: good ol' memories
Durrutib: typetypetta'
Durrutib: Burlesque
Durrutib: one man
Durrutib: typing in the air
Durrutib: shyness
Durrutib: Milan
Durrutib: Dunkerque
Durrutib: Une plage
Durrutib: Cayeux-sur-Mer
Durrutib: Start!
Durrutib: macro micro
Durrutib: DSC_6536
Durrutib: DSC_6286
Durrutib: foto31