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albums of durbanbay
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26 October 2024 - Photo Walk in Taipei
TM - Amy
TGIF Mtg. 305 - The Good Good Work
TGIF Mtg. 300 - Bring a Friend
TGIF Mtg. 301 - We are the World
BtS Mtg. 198 - AI
BtS Mtg. 200 - Bring a Friend
TGIF Mtg. 302 - Bicycles: The Good . The Bad. The Beautiful.
BtS Mtg. 201 - Relationships
TM - Michael 2024
TM - Nick 2024
TGIF Mtg. 288 - English International Speech Contest
TM - Flora Huseh-Klassen
BtS Mtg. 199 - Online Shopping
TM - Chia Ling
2024 - Da Antonia with Emily and Alice
BtS Mtg. 187 - English International Speech Contest
TGIF Mtg. 296 - Inspiration from Within
TM - Shelly
BtS Mtg. 193 - The Unexpected Learning Moment
TM - Jack Pai
TGIF Mtg. 295 - Heading to a Sustainable Environment
BtS Mtg. 186 - 2024 Chinese Contest
TGIF Mtg. 294 - Gifts
Day 2 - Part 3
Day 2 - Part 2
Day 2 - Part 1
Pentecost 2024 - Day 2
Pentecost 2024 - Japan Team
Pentecost 2024 - ALL
Pentecost 2024 - Day 1
2024 Taiwan (D67) Conference
TGIF Mtg. 292 - Time for Change
BtS Mtg. 190 - The Power of Forgiveness
April 2024 - Two Days in Shan Ling Xi with the Twins
TGIF Mtg, 287 - Begin with the End in Mind
TGIF and Born to Shine Christian TM 2023 Christmas Party
TM - Ray
BtS Mtg. 183 - Negotiation
TGF Mtg. 285 - The Best Investment in Yourself
BtS Mtg. 182 - The joy of spending Money
TM - Clara
18 November 2023 - TGIF & BtS Outing to Ilan
TGIF MtG 284 - Annual Debate
TGIF & BtS Birthday
2017 - February - Taiwan University
BtS MtG 181 - Learning Language is Fun
2013 - Mom in Taiwan
Friends - Juvelyn
Queenie Family - Miscellaneous
2016 - Chinese New Year
Family - Ahmet
2012 - Afternoon in Zhulin, Ilan
2016 - Trip to Hong Kong
Friend - Annie, Dennis & Family
17 May 2014 - D67 Spring Con Celebration
Friend - Peter
TGIF MtG. 283 - We all love Jokes!
Friend - Mriiam
Maokong with Shann
2008 London Trip
28 October 2023 - Dinner with Nina and Grace
TM - Nina
Friend - Ken Dav
Friend - Richard Wass
29 March 2014 - Sally and Moses Wedding
29 December 2013 - Pillow Cafe
2015 - Queenie's Trip to Bali with Iris, Claire and Wendy
TM - Clare
TM - Gregor
BtS MtG 180 - Its never too late to learn!
2010 - Rugby in the Brass Monkey
TGIF MTG 281 - We will ROCK you!
TGIF MTG 282 - 10th Anniversary
2011 - Zoo with the Nieces and Michael
Charter Meeting
30 September 2023 - Cilan Divine Tree Garden (棲蘭神木園區)
BtS MtG 178 - Eating Out
TM - Tyde
Emily Ma
TGIF MtG 280 - Days of Youth
8 September 2023 - Dinner in Taipei 101
TM - Rinko
BtS MtG 177 - Act Now
TM - Molly
TM - Maria
TGIF MTG 279 - Oops!
Friend - Carina
30 August 2023 - Lunch with Carina
TGIF MTG. 271 - Passion
TM - Hugh
TM - Kelly Lei
TM - Oscar
TM - Wen Lee
TM - Karen
BtS MtG 175 - Exercise
Random Pics with Emily and Alice
TGIF MTG. 278 - Life's Challenges
2023-08-05 - Birthday with Emily and Alice
TM - Jacob
TM - Anting
TM - Diana
TGIF Mtg. 276 - The Unforgettable Gift
Pentecost 2023
Happy Valley Amusement Park - Shenzhen 2005
BtS Mtg. 168 - Investing in Yourself
TM - Roulette
2019 - End of Term Dinner
2023 - D67 Annual Conference
Beijing 2010
Koh Samui
Friends - Simon
Friends - Helen
Friend - Neal
Friends - Baiping
Friends - Pastor Ross
Friend - Emma
Friend - Michel
Family - Tibet
Family - Judith
2022 - Judith in Taipei
2013 - Mom in Taiwan
2012 - ILI Christmas Party
2013 Christmas in Toast Bar and Bistro
Friend - Mriam
Friend - Nick
Friend - Shann
Family - Mom Claire
2015 - Bali Trip - Queenie and Friends
Queenie Just Queenie
Queenie Birthday 2013
Queenie's Birthday 2017
2015 Chinese New Year with Family
South Africa 2006
Christmas Eve 2014
Queenie and Paul
Family - Dad (Ken)
Patty Calpin 2013 Visit
Dave Brown Farewell - 2015
2011 (March) Family Trip to Guandu Bird Park
Queenie the Hero
4 June 2022 - Thousand Island Lake Trip
29 May 2022 - Jack and Jenny's Wedding
29 April 2022 - Dinner at Howbeans
BtS Mtg. 145 - The Most Valuable Thing
2022 April - KTV Outing
28 February 2022 - Qeeunie's Birthday Party
BtS Mtg. 71
2022-04-10 - TGIF/BTS Celebration Dinner
TGIF Mtg. 246 - A Wonderful Day
BtS Mtg. 144 - What do you do to Relax
TGIF Mtg. 245 - Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
BtS Mtg 143 - Your Ideal Date
TM - Chris (BTS)
TGIF Mtg. 244 - Favorite Quotes
BtS Mtg. 60
BtS Mtg 142 - A Sense of Humor
The Board
TM - Speed
TGIF Mtg. 243 - Aha Moments
TM - Jane 2022
Word of the Day
26 February 2022 - Breakfast with Alice and Emily
Queenie and Friends
BtS Mtg 141 - Hidden Victories
TM - Vincent
TM - Ben 2022
TGIF Mtg. 242 - Speech Marathon - Curiosity
BtS Mtg 140 - Valuable Suggestions in Life
2 February 2022 - Trip to Shifen & Maokong
2022 Chinese New Year with Family
Family - Dominic
Family - Charlene
Family - Carrol
Family - Nick
Family - Rochelle
Family - Lu Papa
Family - Andrew
Family - Lu Mama
4 February 2022 - Dinner with Iris & 黃昌模
2022 CNY Vacation - Rainy Day KTV
BtS Mtg 139 - Chinese International Speech & Table Topics Contest
TGIF Mtg. 241 - Chinese Speech Contest
TM - Dora
TM - Jason
TM - Wei Yen
BTS MtG 138 - English International Speech and Table Topics Contest
TM - Connyn
TGIF Mtg. 240 - Speech Contest
BtS Mtg. 134 - Let's Sing
2021 Joint Christmas Party
TM - Shana
TM - Maggie
TGIF MtG 238 - God's Precious Gift.
TGIF MtG 235 - Love is in the Air
29 October 2021 - BtS Dinner in Masala House
BTS Mtg 133 - Work-Life Balance
31 May 2019 - TGIF/BtS Dinner in Masala House
16 October 2021 - TGIF and BtS Hike and Dinner
TGIF Mtg 234 - Perfected by Love - 8th Anniversary
Yinhe Cave Hiking Trail (銀河洞越嶺步道)
2016 D67 Fall Con
BtS Mtg 132 - Your Favorite Place in Taiwan
TGIF Mtg 233 - Five Times Stimulus Voucher
TM - Colin
BtS Mtg 131 - I Had A Dream
2021 - Chinese New Year with Family
Queenie with Family
2021 - Mid Autumn Festival in Dawulun Beach 大武崙海灘
Monkey Mountain Happy Hour (猴山岳土雞城)
Hiking to Qingtiangang Grassland (擎天崗)
TGIF Mtg. 232 - Give and Take
Road to the Yulao Lookout (宇老觀景台)
TM - Sherie
TM - Johnny
BtS Mtg 130 - How have you been?
TM - Christine
TM - Lyla
29 August 2021 - Keelung Beach
Taipei Grand Trail - South (台北大縱走)
Afternoon on Wanli ( 萬里)
2014 Hualien Trip
Asus Toastmasters
Intel Toastmasters
TGIF Mtg. 231 - Physical Meetings
Taipei University Toastmasters
Premium Toastmasters
TM Outing - Nate Farewell Party (June, 2014)
TM - Naomi
2018 Joint Area Contest - Area G1 & Area G4
2018 Joint Area Contest - Area H1 & Area H3
BtS Mtg. 45 - Favorite Quotes
TGIF MtG. 149 - The Joy of Reading
TGIF Mtg. 146 - Thrive
Prestige Toastmasters
TM - Ashlee (Metro)
Taipei Metro Toastmasters Meetings
TM - Ivy (Metro)
2014 D67 Spring Conference
TGIF 2015 Outing - Strawberry Picking in Dahu
TGIF 2016 August Birthdays
2018 BtS Outing - Rock Climbing
Early on Monkey Mountain (猴山岳土雞城).
TGIF Mtg.222 - Making a Comeback
Fuyang Eco Park (富陽公園)
2 May 2021 - Chloe's Birthday
TGIF Meeting No.: 221 - First Things First
Hiking up Liyu Shan (鯉魚山 )
TM - Julia (BtS)
BtS MtG 123 - First Time in Born to Shine
BtS MtG 01
TGIF Mtg. 220 - What are you born to do?
BtS MtG 122 - Be Happy, Be Healthy
TGIF/BtS Joint Outing @ HowBeans
Hike with Emily, Alice; Brunch with Queenie
BtS MtG. 121 - Unforgettable April Fool's Day
TM - Shawn
TGIF Mtg. 219 - Goals for 2021
BtS Meeting 120: Unforgettable Memories
Queenie 2021 Birthday
TGIF Mtg. 218 - My Secret Place
BtS Mtg. 119: Lantern Festival
TGIF Mtg. 217 - Core Values
TGIF Mtg. 216: Chinese International Speech and Evaluation Contest
BtS Mtg. 118 - English International Speech and Evaluation Contest
Second Round
TGIF Mtg. 215: English International Speech and Evaluation Contest
BtS Mtg. 117 - Chinese International Speech and Evaluation Contest
Luang Namtha - Annual Festival
Queenie's Travels
Panda Base
Jiuzhaigou, 2005
2005 China Tour
In and Around Taipei
TM - Alice and Emily
TGIF Mtg. 214: Christmas 2020
BtS Mtg. 116: Christmas 2020
TGIF Mtg. 213: Calling It Quits
TM - Kevin Pan
TM - Chloe BTS
BtS MtG 115 - 2021 New Year Resolutions
TM - Jacques
TM - Jimmy
TM - Jessica
TGIF Mtg. 212 - What If
Phantom Of The Opera
BtS MtG 114 - Thankyou 2020
TM - Gina
TM - Alfred
TGIF Mtg. 211: Thanksgiving
BtS MtG 113 - Once Upon A TIme
TGIF Mtg. 210: TGIF 7th Anniversary
TGIF Mtg. 209/BtS Mtg. 112 - Halloween
BtS Mtg. 111: No Limit But Yourself
TGIF Mtg 208: Annual Debate - Overall AI is Bad for Humanity?
2015 D67 Spring Con
2016 D67 Toastmasters Spring Conference
2017 D67 Spring Conference
Lu Papa, Lu Mama 2020 Birthday Party
Dragons Back Trail
TGIF & BtS October Dinner
TGIF Moon Festival Lunch
Pictures from my Bike
BtS MtG 110 - Best Moon Festival Ever
TGIF Mtg. 207: TGIF Discovery
TM - Kuan
TM - Jerry
TM - Sherry BtS
TM - Elaine
BtS Mtg. No. 109: Unforgettable Food Experiences
TGIF Mtg. 206: If I Were A Superhero
BtS Outing - Picnic Outing
TM - Mike
TGIF Mtg. 153 -
TGIF Mtg. 205: 玉梅輕鬆談系列.
BtS MtG 107: Positive Energy
TM - Cheryl
TGIF Mtg. 204: Father's Day
BtS Mtg. 105: A New Chapter
TGIF Mtg. 202: Mid-year Evaluation
TM - Patty
Andrew 50th Birthday
TGIF Mtg. 201/BtS Mtg. 104: Handover Meeting
TM - Walter
BtS Mtg. No. 103: Change
TGIF Mtg. 200
13 June 2020 - Night Hike Up Elephant Mountain.
13 June 2020 - Family DInner in Sichuan Restaurant
TGIF Mtg. 200: What Sustains You In TGIF?
TM - Mike
BtS Mtg. 102: Favorite Summer Activity
TM - Davis
TGIF Mtg. 61: One Wild and Precious Life
TGIF & BtS Joint Meeting: Meaning of Life
TGIF Mtg. 60: Live the Adventure
TGIF Mtg. 59: New Year, Fresh Start
TGIF Mtg. 58: What a year it was!
BtS Mtg 65: Childhood
Toastmasters - Other Clubs
Young Bankers Toastmasters
TGIF Mtg. 57: What does Christmas Mean to You?
TGIF Mtg. 56: How to Stay Warm in Winter.
TGIF Mtg. 55: 2014 Thanksgiving
TGIF Mtg. 54: The Music That Moves You
TGIF Mtg. 52: Halloween
TM - WIlliam
TGIF Mtg. 199: Mothers
TM - Karen
TGIF Mtg. 51: Your Best Friend
TGIF Mtg. 50: Strength For Life
TGIF Mtg. 49: The Power of Attitude
TGIF Mtg. 48: Chinese Humourous Speech and Evaluation Contest
TGIF Mtg. 47: Your Favorite Sport
TGIF Mtg. 46: English Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests
TGIF Mtg. 44: What City Can Best Represent You? Why?
TGIF Mtg. 43: Fathers
TGIF Mtg. 42: The Most Unforgettable Summer Vacation
TGIF Mtg. 41: What is your favorite summer blockbuster movie and why?
TGIF Mtg. 40: Summertime
TGIF Mtg. 39: Small Things That Make You Smile
TGIF Mtg. 38: Summer Days
TGIF Mtg. 36: Dragon Boat Festival
TGIF & Born to Shine Pictures
TGIF Mtg. 35: Self Confidence
BtS Mtg. 100: Cherish
TM - Icebreakers
TGIF Mtg. 34: Mother's Day
TM - Francis
BtS Mtg. 56: Learning from Champions
TGIF Mtg. 153: Super Idols
BtS Mtg. 55: Mother's Day
TGIF Mtg. 154: Your Greatest Strength
TGIF 2014
BtS Mtg. 56: May the Force Be With You
TGIF Mtg. 155: A Collection of Beautiful (Toastmasters) Moments
BtS Mtg. 57: Family
TM - Intermission
TGIF Mtg. 156: Hand in Hand
TM - Ellen
BtS Mtg. 58: Honor the Member
2018 - End of Term Dinner
BtS Mtg. 93: Chinese Lunar New Year
BtS Mtg. 96: Movies
BtS Mtg. 99: Everything Will Be Okay
TM - Award Session
TGIF Mtg. 160: Memorable Farewell
TGIF Mtg. 161: Love is in the Air
TGIF Mtg. 162: Humorous Debate
TGIF Mtg. 163: Moon Festival
TGIF Mtg. 164: 5th Anniversary
TGIF Mtg. 165: Speech Marathon
TGIF Mtg. 166: Your Purpose
TGIF Mtg. 167: The Power of Appreciation
TGIF Mtg. 168: Plan Your Unique 2019
TGIF Mtg. 169: Joint Christmas Party
TGIF Mtg. 170: 20/20 Vision
TGIF Mtg. 171: Life is Beautiful
TGIF Mtg. 173: English Speech Contest
TGIF Mtg. 174: Follow Your Heart
TGIF Mtg. 175: Social Media
TGIF Mtg. 176: Speech Marathon
TGIF Mtg. 177: Books
TGIF Mtg. 178: Evaluation Workshop
TGIF Mtg. 179: What is Heaven
TGIF Mtg. 180: Head of the Household
TGIF Mtg. 181: Value of a Person
TGIF Mtg. 182: Power of Praise
TGIF Mtg. 183: Childhood Memory
TGIF Mtg. 184: Birthday Party
TM - Huddle Pictures
TM - Tiny
TGIF Mtg. 198: New Habits
TGIF Mtg. 158: Stand By Me!
BtS Mtg. 59: A Perfect Night
TGIF Mtg. 159: Your Song!
TM - Linda (Nantou)
TM - Diane
TGIF Mtg. 185: The Gift
TGIF Mtg. 186: Books Enrich Our Lives
TGIF Mtg. 187: No Pain, No Gain
TGIF Mtg. 188: Debate Contest
TGIF Mtg. 189: Winter Time!
TGIF Mtg. 190: Joint Christmas Party
TGIF Mtg. 197: The Joy of Spring
TM - Joseph
TM - Alex J
TM - Luis
TM - Joan
TM - James
TM - Jones
TGIF Mtg. 191: English Contest
TGIF Mtg. 195: Change Lives-Create Opportunities
TGIF Mtg. 196: Secret Love
TM - Afore
TM - Shane
D67 2017 Fall Con
TM - Trini
TM - Matthew
Born to Shine MTG 76
TM - Michelle
TM - Doug H
TM - Ruby
TGIF & Born to Shine Joint Dinner
TM - Weili
TM - After Training Dinner
TM - Estee
TM - Kelly
TM - Teddy
TM - Linda
TM - Gilbert
TM - Janet
TGIF & Born to Shine Group Pictures
TM - Angel
TM - Danielle
TM - Mandy & Larry
TM - Carolyn
TM - Albert
TM - John
TM - Tim
TM - Amanda
TM - Liz
TM - Penny
TM - Emily Y
TM - Joe L
TM - Darren
TM - Annie
TM - Victoria
TM - Eric H
TM - Julia
TM - Sally
TM - Nick
TM - Cindy
TM - Chia Lun
TM - Evelyn
TM - Kevin
TM - Howard
TM - Portia
TM - May
TM - Yaslin
TM - Shannon
TM - Mark
TM - Sherry
TM - Lucy
TM - Jonathan
TM - Brandon
TM - Ben
TM - Jefferson
TM - Ming Xuan
TM - Jenny C
TM - Alice C