Duque2010: I AM HOME!!!
Duque2010: Goiaba...guava...
Duque2010: Tá quase escuro...os jacús devem estar chegando!!
Duque2010: YOUR PICK!!
Duque2010: Minha casa...é minha!
Duque2010: Another hibiscus!!
Duque2010: A yellow hibiscus!
Duque2010: P1020971
Duque2010: Mudancas no tempo à tarde!
Duque2010: Uma formiga!!!
Duque2010: Isso é pau brasiL!!!
Duque2010: Good Morning!! It´s 6 am here...in the border with the rain forest!!
Duque2010: Acabei por não fechar as janelas a noite!! E nada aconteceu!!!
Duque2010: The inner me inside my very own self!!
Duque2010: P1030017
Duque2010: Vespa...wasp!!
Duque2010: A Panda bebendo água da piscina!
Duque2010: P1030006
Duque2010: A general view...overlooking the(what´s left of) "floresta atlantica"!
Duque2010: That´s not an easy life either!!! Last night...around 3 am...they barked at every 30 minutes....maybe someone...maybe my most frequent members...porcupines...and they don´t learn....and I pay to have the thorns removed...
Duque2010: Lunch hour! Bon appetit!
Duque2010: P1030034
Duque2010: Outch!!!
Duque2010: periwinkle...copy / paste! Thanks Linda!
Duque2010: Lantana!!
Duque2010: Delicious but the bread could have been drier.....
Duque2010: Mocinha pintada!
Duque2010: What a great afternoon nap!!! A "siesta" à tarde foi ótima!
Duque2010: Playing with light / Brincando com a luz!
Duque2010: In doubt between a bar of Hershey´s or a warm banana with sugar cane syrup for desert!!!