Dunstan: First attempt at making a round blank using a bowl as a guide for the router
Dunstan: First attempt, came out a bit wonky
Dunstan: First attempt, came out a bit wonky
Dunstan: First attempt, came out a bit wonky
Dunstan: First attempt, came out a bit wonky
Dunstan: First attempt, came out a bit wonky
Dunstan: First attempt, came out a bit wonky
Dunstan: First attempt, came out a bit wonky
Dunstan: First attempt, came out a bit wonky
Dunstan: First attempt
Dunstan: The outside shape cut using my circle-cutting jig
Dunstan: The outside shape cut using my circle-cutting jig
Dunstan: First pass around the inside using my circle-cutting jig
Dunstan: Second pass around the inside using my circle-cutting jig
Dunstan: Second pass around the inside using my circle-cutting jig
Dunstan: Inside leveled and everything sanded from 120-2000 grit
Dunstan: The edge, pre-finish
Dunstan: Oiled and waxed
Dunstan: The edge, oiled and waxed
Dunstan: With its bigger brother, which I made using a different method, and which is much wobblier looking
Dunstan: This lighter patch is a different piece of wood that was part of the glued-up original I scavenged
Dunstan: Getting set up to cut another dish
Dunstan: How the circle cutter sits on the wood
Dunstan: Outside cut
Dunstan: Using wood with a knot in it to see how it comes out
Dunstan: Cutting the inside
Dunstan: All done. Just need to work out a finish for this nice wood that won't darken it.
Dunstan: Three dishes finished with bees wax and walnut oil
Dunstan: Testing wood finishes
Dunstan: IMG_1172