Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Our Bali house
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Our Obama shrine in bali
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
bali heat
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
A Bali dog during Obama speech
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
At the market
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
local color
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
daily offerings
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Bali meal
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Luna Cooking School
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Cooking school
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Along a walking path, he sells coconut milk.
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
A local invited me in for balinese coffee
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
coffee plantation
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
hand grinding coffee
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
She works at mom and dad's coffee plantation
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Our new birdcage
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Bali temple
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
at the temple
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
offerings at temple
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
all the kids ride
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Lucy at our room
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
View from our room
Patrick and Martha Dundon:
Train from Nikko