Duncan H:
Allard K-2
Duncan H:
Extremely short Lotus racer
Duncan H:
Great colors on this Lambo - red exterior, black interior.
Duncan H:
Cisitalia D-46?
Duncan H:
Very early Corvette model
Duncan H:
Very aggressive paint job
Duncan H:
Creamy lime T-Bird
Duncan H:
Wish I knew which Posche this is
Duncan H:
Lamborghini going for a prize at the show
Duncan H:
Duncan H:
Chrysler or Packard?
Duncan H:
F430 grants +1 awesome
Duncan H:
F430 Dashboard
Duncan H:
Lovely lines on the Corvettes.
Duncan H:
Interesting hood ornament
Duncan H:
Exhaust pipe and insulation
Duncan H:
Yet Another Veyron pic
Duncan H:
Love the Lambo lines
Duncan H:
F430 dashboard
Duncan H:
F430, color is Mariner Blue copied from the '89 Miata
Duncan H:
Austin-Martin headlights
Duncan H:
Yet Another Supercar
Duncan H:
If Lambo didn't make insane super-cars, who will?
Duncan H:
Veyron instrument panel
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Lovely tailpipe, if you know what I mean.
Duncan H:
The engine and heatsinks
Duncan H:
Veyron - does the world need more pics?
Duncan H:
This is a Ford Model T. Really.
Duncan H: