dumbkid0: the flying penguin
dumbkid0: landed on King George Island. feeling very emotional
dumbkid0: ... expedition team waiting for us
dumbkid0: world explorer, our home for the next 6 days
dumbkid0: beautiful skyline
dumbkid0: breathtaking
dumbkid0: first wildlife sighting - a deadly leopard seal chilling on an iceberg. this apex predator is the second largest mammal in Antarctica, their favorite meal is penguin 😣
dumbkid0: he is checking us out too
dumbkid0: how many penguins?
dumbkid0: cute Adeline penguin
dumbkid0: where are your family and friends?
dumbkid0: beautiful sunset
dumbkid0: striking snow mountain
dumbkid0: humpback whale! wish they got a bit closer
dumbkid0: mama whale diving with her baby. their calls are mesmerizing yet eerie
dumbkid0: the most beautiful blue I've ever seen
dumbkid0: hello shipmates!
dumbkid0: cute fur seal. they like fish and squid
dumbkid0: Antarctica looks so raw and beautiful under any weather condition
dumbkid0: first landing site - Portal Point